Shri Vallabh lived on earth for only a small period of 52 years,but during this short span he wrote as many as 84 granthas(works) but all of them are not avaiable as many were lost or taken away during the 500 plus years history of this rich Sampradaya.A list of some of his works is given below :
The Anubhashya
The Anubhashya (His treatise on Brahmasutra by Shri Vedavyasa).Any person who is interested in Hindu philosophy finds this epic to be the soundest commentary on the Brahmasutras.
The Shodash Granthas
The Shodash Granthas are a collection of sixteen works of Shri Vallabh in which Shri Vallabh has discussed a spectrum of subjects starting from salutation to Shri Yamunaji in Shri Yamunashtakam and ending with the grantha Seva-falam in which Shri Vallabh has discussed about the fruits of performing the seva of Lord Shrinathji.The Shodash granthas are most important for any Vaishnava as they teach him to live life according to Pushtimarg.This is the reason why the Shodash Granthas are also known by the name Vallabh Gita.As in the Bhagwad Gita Lord Krishna taught Arjuna to look at life from a new perspective and to know the truth about life Shri Vallabh has also taught his disciples,the Vaishnavas to live a pious, peaceful life and to achieve the true goal of life which is the attainment of God in these sixteen granthas A list of the sixteen in a chronological manner is given below.
The Shodash Granthas
The Anubhashya
The Anubhashya (His treatise on Brahmasutra by Shri Vedavyasa).Any person who is interested in Hindu philosophy finds this epic to be the soundest commentary on the Brahmasutras.
- The Tattvartha-Dip Nibandh His second most valuable grantha (work) is the Tattvartha-Dip-Nibandh which contains three chapters :
- The Shastrarth Prakaran : It is related to the propogation of the Shhudhadwaita philosophy.
- The Sarva Nirnaya Prakarana : It deals with all the principle schools of Hindu philosophy.
- The Bhagwatarth Prakaran : It consists of a lucid explaination of the meaning of Shrimad Bhagwat.
- Shri Subodhiniji
The Shodash Granthas
The Shodash Granthas are a collection of sixteen works of Shri Vallabh in which Shri Vallabh has discussed a spectrum of subjects starting from salutation to Shri Yamunaji in Shri Yamunashtakam and ending with the grantha Seva-falam in which Shri Vallabh has discussed about the fruits of performing the seva of Lord Shrinathji.The Shodash granthas are most important for any Vaishnava as they teach him to live life according to Pushtimarg.This is the reason why the Shodash Granthas are also known by the name Vallabh Gita.As in the Bhagwad Gita Lord Krishna taught Arjuna to look at life from a new perspective and to know the truth about life Shri Vallabh has also taught his disciples,the Vaishnavas to live a pious, peaceful life and to achieve the true goal of life which is the attainment of God in these sixteen granthas A list of the sixteen in a chronological manner is given below.
The Shodash Granthas
1.Shri Yamunashtakam
2.Shri Balabodha
3.Shri Siddhant Muktavali
4.Shri Pushtipravahamaryada Bheda
5.Shri Siddhant Rahasya
6.Shri Navratna
7.Shri Antahkaran prabodha
8.Shri Vivek-Dhairya-Ahsraya
9.Shri Krishnashraya
10.Shri Chatuh-Shloki
11.Shri Bhakti Vardhini
12.Shri Jalbheda
13.Shri Panch Padyani
14.Shri Sanyasa Nirnayam
15.Shri Niridh Lakshanam
16.Shri Seva-falam
- The Purshottam Sahstranam Stotra .This stotra of Shri Vallabh needs special mention because it has a unique place amogst the vaishnavas of Pushtimarg.A very interesting tale is related to the making of this grantha.
Shri Gopinathji had a principle that he would eat only after completing the Bhagwat Parayan (reading the whole Bhagwat once which means reading 567000 letters or 18000 shlokas or 334 chapters).It would take Shri Gopinathji one and a half days to complete this Parayan and so he ate once in one and a half days.Due to this Shri Vallabh became worried as this would have affect on Shri Gopinathji's health.So he decided to create a stotra which would contain the summary of all the Avtars and lilas described in Shrimad Bhagwat.With this in mind he created the Purshottam sahastranam stotra.This stotra of 252 shlokas is equivalent to Shrimad Bhagwat and the vaishnavas of Pushtimarg recite this stotra regularly even today.
- Some Other Works
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